The stars aligned, and we were able to fit a 5 day cruise to the Bahamas into our schedule. And bonus, our friend, who has spent the last five months performing on board, was there! This was our first road trip together, our first cruise together, and our first vacation just the two of us. Overall, it was great to getaway from the cold (heard it was freezing in Cincinnati!) and to relax (SO much down-time). I caved and paid for the crappy wi-fi a few nights “to check emails”/post to insta, but otherwise we were completely disconnected from the outside world. These are some shots from both our phones and dslr documenting our cruise and travels (along with some commentary).

Carnival takes every opportunity they can to snap a photo of you. They got a cute one of me at dinner with my mouth full. And then displayed it for everyone to see.
Don’t let this picture fool you. The food was pretty delish, especially dinner. Specifically their lasagna.
This is the view from our window. I was unsure if we should opt for a room with a window, but definitely don’t regret it. Nothing like natural light filling your tiny space.
We rented scooters for the day and rode around the island. The one thing we learned that day (besides driving on the left side of the road) was the art of bartering with the locals. Nothing like “designer sunglasses” for $20.
Police were everywhere. Snatched this one on my phone mid-turn. I was pretty proud :)
This is “Mike the Bike” the landscaper, and cute doesn’t adequately describe him. My new dream job is his job.
The only picture of all three of us! This was after Marisel’s Diva show
My favorite part about this is that neither one of us knew it was being taken
You can’t tell from this picture but wind gusts were approximately 50000 miles/hour.