Road Trip Out West | Day 3 | Horseshoe Bend

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We woke up on day 3 in Bluff, Utah.Bluff, Utah Twin Rocks Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0123 Bluff, Utah Twin Rocks
We couldn’t complain too much about the view from our room.Bluff, Utah Twin RocksBluff, Utah Twin Rocks Bluff, Utah Twin Rocks
First stop of the day was a local cafe. We filled out post cards and bought over priced magnets.Bluff, Utah Twin Rocks CafeHorseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0124 Bluff, Utah Twin Rocks Bluff, Utah Twin Rocks Bluff, Utah Twin Rocks Bluff, Utah Twin RocksThis was the day Daniel lost his camera…or so we thought. It was only moments after driving away from the cafe that Daniel realized he didn’t have his camera with him. Retracing our steps, asking customers, store owners and even the construction workers if they had seen anything drew up nothing. We searched for over 30 minutes (what felt like forever) and despair grew until we were convinced somebody had stolen it in the two minutes we had first left the cafe. It wasn’t until the third and final look-through of the car that Daniel’s camera appeared (safe and sound) in the trunk. Sweet relief! Camera checks were mandatory from then on!


We were so glad we decided to stop the night before or we would have missed out on the scenic drive. It was so hard not to pull over for pictures around each turn!Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0130 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0131 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0132 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0133 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0134 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0135 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0137
We passed by Mexican Hat en route to our final destination for the day.Mexican Hat Mexican Hat Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0140 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0139
Ok here comes my favorite part of the day– Horseshoe Bend! I talked a little bit about it on Instagram, but what I (and I know the rest of the gang did too) loved most was meeting and connecting with so many different people. Daniel noticed this couple as they were leaving, and Morgan asked them if they were up for a little shoot. I mean, you’re just asking for a photo shoot dressed with ankle boots and that hat, right?! But best of all, their chemistry was so natural; they were true naturals in front of a paparazzi of photographers. We were so lucky they were willing to get behind our camera!
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Snuck in a few of Daniel’s film shots from his toy camera throughout this post.117 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0149 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0150 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0151 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0152 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0153 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0154 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0155 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0156Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_018013Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0157 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0158 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0159 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0117 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0161 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0162 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0169 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0164 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0165 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0166 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0167 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0168 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0118
We also met these two, founders of Live a Great Story
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Then we met Lisa! She’s been traveling the world all on her own for almost 5 years! We listened to her in awe as we jotted down traveling tips and places to explore next.Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0173 She also snapped this pic for us!Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0174 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0170Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0178 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0179 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0181 Roadtrip-625Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0175 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0176 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0177 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0183 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0184 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0188 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0192 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0182 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0185 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0186 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0193Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0189 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0191 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0194 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0195 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0196 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0198 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0199 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0197 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0200 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0203 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0204 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0205 Horseshoe Bend Arizona Photorgraphers_0206

Bliss. Ended this day on high and ready for our next adventure.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3

Road Trip Out West | Day 2 | Great Sand Dunes

Roadtrip-133Day 2 and still on a high. Determined to see the Great Sand Dunes at sunrise, we camped (possibly illegally) in front of the park sign. The bright idea was that we would all camp in the back of the Honda Fit we were traveling in. All. FOUR. of. us. Needless to say we were up before the sun. Cold, achy, and slightly irritable, a long night turned into a long morning as we mended our aches and pains at the local store.

Great Sand Dunes_0049 Great Sand Dunes_0050Great Sand Dunes_0048 Great Sand Dunes_0051 Great Sand Dunes_0052 Great Sand Dunes_0053Roadtrip-146One of the best parts about traveling late February is that it is the off-season for tourism. We were able to explore the dunes almost entirely by ourselves!


There’s something about the way the mountains juxtapose the sandy dunes…Great Sand Dunes_0055 Roadtrip-159Great Sand Dunes_0058 Great Sand Dunes_0059 Great Sand Dunes_0062 Roadtrip-174 Great Sand Dunes_0067 Great Sand Dunes_0045 Great Sand Dunes_0068 Great Sand Dunes_0069 Great Sand Dunes_0070 Great Sand Dunes_0044 Great Sand Dunes_0088Great Sand Dunes_0089Great Sand Dunes_0090Great Sand Dunes_0091Great Sand Dunes_0092Great Sand Dunes_0093Great Sand Dunes_0074Great Sand Dunes_0094Great Sand Dunes_0095 Great Sand Dunes_0046 Great Sand Dunes_0073 Great Sand Dunes_0075 Great Sand Dunes_0076 Great Sand Dunes_0077


Stopping along the drive became a regular occurrence during our two weeks on the road.
Great Sand Dunes_0078 Great Sand Dunes_0082 Great Sand Dunes_0047 Great Sand Dunes_0080 Roadtrip-303Great Sand Dunes_0083 Thank you, Kevin, for the shot!Great Sand Dunes_0084 Great Sand Dunes_0087 Great Sand Dunes_0085 Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0099Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0101Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0096Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0097Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0100Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0102Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0104Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0103Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0105Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0106Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0098Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0107Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0108Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0109Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0110Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0111Mesa Verde National Park Photographers_0112

And then we were off again. Off to our newest adventure. Oh Colorado, you were one of our favorites!

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3

Road Trip Out West | Day 1

Where to begin. This trip was one we will not soon forget! It’s no secret Daniel and I have been building to our tiny home so that we would have the opportunity to travel more. Little did we know that opportunity would come so quickly or that we would be able to go with good friends. February, a quiet season in our business, allowed us the chance to carve away a two week period to explore parts of the country we had been dreaming of.

It’d be silly not to take advantage of the beautiful scenery and the fact that we were traveling with other married photographers! Daniel and I shot a combined 5,000 photos (!), and we’ll be sharing some of our favorites along with pieces of our hearts over the next few weeks.


We headed out west on an early Saturday morning. After 17 hours of driving we made it. Our first destination was Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado.Roadtrip-1Kansas, what an awfully long, flat state to drive through…

First of many selfies on our trip!

#spanishfries #roadtrip #openland #didyoubringyourcamera #colorado

A photo posted by Morgan Tate Spanier (@mrscockerspanier) on

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Kevin and Morgan also snapped a few of us that we can’t wait to see!

My goodness these two are freaking perfect! Cell phone upload📷 #didyoubringyourcamera #tinytrip #swinging16 #lover

A photo posted by SixteenFourteen Photography (@sixteenfourteenphotography) on

Morgan’s friends can to visit from Denver, so after we had dinner at a local restaurant.Garden of the gods_0033

And then we were off. But before the sun set, we stopped for more photos because…well, Colorado.3Garden of the gods_0034 Garden of the gods_0036 Road Trip Out West Colorado
Snuck in some of Daniel’s film shots too57Garden of the gods_0039 Road Trip Out West Colorado

Next stop, the Great Sand Dunes.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3

Update #4 | Final Touches on our Tiny Home

Keeping a long story short, we had a few bumps in the road (ask us about our handyman drama), but we are SO close to the finish line! Since our last update, here are the changes we’re working on:

  • Tiles – Subway tiles on two walls in the bathroom and hexagons on the bathroom floor. We also added a neo-angle shower base.
  • Cabinets – Kitchen cabinets, back splash, sink and faucet are installed and look SO good! We installed butcher block counters and plan on adding open shelving as well.
  • Ceiling – White-washed planks were added to create more texture/pattern to our home but to also keep the same neutral look of the walls.
  • Flooring – Maybe what made the house look the most “homey.” It brought in warmth and texture and unity between the rooms.
  • Paint – This made a huge difference in the overall appearance of the house. And ooh, the light it reflects!
  • Trim – Adding trim to the windows and floor has really cleaned the place up! And you guessed it, white.
  • Desk – Daniel built it by hand [heart eyes]

As a side note, we’ve had a few unexpected possibilities open up to park our home. We visited Lovare a few weeks ago, and it was stunning. We are still actively looking and open to ideas though, so please send any suggestions/recommendations our way!

Below are some progress photos throughout the month. The remaining labor is mostly carpentry-related work (drawers, shelves, sliding doors, etc.). We are purchasing appliances and furnishings soon as well as finally adding the decor I’ve been hoarding storing for months!

So, this is our house, bare.

So thankful I had had this friend to help me along this tiny house journey #tinyhome#tinyhouse#bestie#bro#dreads#iphone6 A photo posted by Daniel (@daniel_tireswing_frey) on

Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0003Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_00000B4A4373-2Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0010Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0001Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0012Can’t be a personal post without a picture of Sweet Pea :)Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0013Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0004

Little by little <img draggable=” src=”×72/1f60d.png” scale=”0″> #casafreytinyhome #tinyhouse #ikea

A photo posted by Ashley Rockey Frey ♡ (@ashley.tireswing.rockey) on

  ikea butcher block in tiny home My cute husband cleaning the window for a picture.Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0015Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0016 Ikea forgot to include some of our hinges, hence why two of our cabinet doors aren’t hung yet.Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0017Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0019Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Tiny House_0021

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Our floor is finished, and I could cry! #allthehearteyes #casafreytinyhome #tinyhouse

A photo posted by Ashley Rockey Frey ♡ (@ashley.tireswing.rockey) on

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And as always, if you’re new to our blog, welcome! You can check out a full list of our tiny home posts HERE. If you have any questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us HERE.

First Snow of 2016 | Shooting with Friends

Last Saturday night we had our first snowfall. By Sunday afternoon we were already out shooting. We met up with friends [and our dogs] and our models. This post is divvied up into 3 parts so feel free to skip ahead by clicking the links :) First up– Ashley and Joe, the gracious couple Morgan and Kevin invited. On deck– my sister, Tori, who bore the cold with us and also held Sweet Pea. And lastly– some behind the scenes because I just couldn’t resist.

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If you’ve been following us for a while, you’ll recognize Tori from past posts. She (and my other sisters) are always down to be our muse.

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Behind the Scenes

In an effort to be more personal, here’s a few behind the scene shots.Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Winter Wedding Photographers_0000Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Winter Wedding Photographers_0002 Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Winter Wedding Photographers_0009 Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Winter Wedding Photographers_0011 Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Winter Wedding Photographers_0015 Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Winter Wedding Photographers_0039 Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Winter Wedding Photographers_0040 Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio Winter Wedding Photographers_0044

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