Update #5 | DONE with our Tiny House! Progress Pics

Yes, that’s right, we’re done with our tiny house! And to build suspense for the grand reveal, here are some progress photos that have led to where we are now. This draft has actually been in the queue for quite some time now. We have been so busy with our photography season this year, I am just now getting to share it.

On our last tiny home update, we had finished the bathroom, but it was mostly vacant besides the shower base.

(All pictures taken on an iphone.)0B4A4373-2

A friend donated the bathroom vanity to us. It needed a few repairs and a counter for our vessel sink

(Yikes, the floor!) We have since added a few more essential amenities. A friend donated the bathroom vanity to us! It needed a few repairs, a touch of paint, and a counter for our vessel sink. Wait til you see the sink! [insert heart eyes here]


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This is the closet Daniel built for us to store clothing, linen, etc. as needed. The bottom level will have a hole in it for our cat, Carlos, to do his business in privacy :)

wp-1464970532167.jpg2016-02-18-02.33.45-1.jpg.jpegWe also added this curtain to divide the closet and bathroom, but it can easily be drawn back to create more space.

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LIGHTS! We finally have lights!! A friend came over and finished the electric for us.



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Daniel finished off the wall separating the living area from our sleeping loft. And then he added a shelf. It is rustic cedar wood from an abandoned house.



The rest of the barn wood was used in the kitchen as open shelving. Speaking of the kitchen, it’s come a long way since its humble beginings. We now have a custom built pantry, open shelving (as seen above), and a convection microwave to cook.

wp-1464971742642.jpgColor! We’ve kept a very neutral palette throughout the house, but we added the mint blue to our pantry for some extra pop.


Our couch arrived! But in the wrong shade… So the taupe chaise had to be returned as it is just not practical for us to have near-white furniture with our dark-furred pets. But also, take notice of the [dirty] door behind the couch. It is our sliding door, blocking off the closet/bathroom area. Just needs a good clean and coat of stain!



Goodies have been arriving in the mail left and right. Feels like Christmas morning!

12742740_10153426952326958_3256086859706764304_nDaniel’s Dad came in from Chicago one weekend and worked tirelessly on our staircase closet. It looks amazing!2016-02-15-08.03.15-1.jpg.jpeg
Remember what it used to look like??Tire Swing Photography | Cincinnati, Ohio | Tiny Home_00082016-02-15-10.30.23-1.jpg.jpeg
Daniel’s dad also helped with a few other things like our ceiling fan. Voila!2016-02-15-03.03.52-1.jpg.jpegwp-1464970532171.jpg

Our tiny house has done quite a bit of traveling the past couple of weeks, and she held up pretty well! Our little family of four is all settled in to our new, temporary spot in our new home! Finishing up the outside to make it a little more pretty before sharing those photos :)wp-1464970532378.jpg

Check back in the next couple of days for our big reveal! It’s been such a long journey of trial and error, so the final outcome won’t be one to miss!


And as always, if you’re new to our blog, welcome! You can check out a full list of our tiny home posts HERE. If you have any questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us HERE.

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